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Robot bring-up
Description: How to bring-up Armadillo2 in real worldTutorial Level: BEGINNER
Next Tutorial: Bring-up a robot in the Gazebo simulation environment
When turning on the robot, first turn on the main power supply by turning right the knob. then, press on the computer button, which is located on the top right corner of the panel. one press is enough! the led indicator will turn on after a few seconds.
In order to bring up your robot launch your robot main launch file. Open a new terminal (Ctrl+Alt+t) and run:
$ roslaunch armadillo2 armadillo2.launch
Thats it, your robot is up!
By default not all sensors and capabilities are initiated with the above launch command. In order to select the sensors and capabilities you want to initiate you can add arguments to the above launch command.
lidar – Laser scanner sensor.
Kinect – The Kinect2 RGB-D camera (mounted on the pan-tilt system on top of the robot).
Softkinetic– The SoftKinetic RGB-D camera (mounted above the arm gripper).
capabilities selection
gmapping - Setting this argument to 'true' will enable using the OpenSlam's Gmapping SLAM algorithm.
hector_slam - Setting this argument to 'true' will enable using the hector_slam SLAM algorithm.
amcl - Setting this argument to 'true' will enable using amcl - probabilistic localization system. Requires to set have_map to true and set the path to the pre-saved map file with map:="path/to/map/file.yaml". Also, when using localization you can specify initial location in the map by setting x, y and Y (yaw) arguments. eg. amcl:=true have_map:=true map:="path/to/map/file.yaml" x=x0 y=y0 Y=Y0
gmapping, hector_slam and amcl requires to add lidar:=true for using the laser scanner and move_base:=true to use navigation move_base capability.
teleop – To move the base and the torso with joystick. Requires to set the joy_dev parameter to the path of the joystick if different from /dev/input/js0, eg: joy_dev:=/dev/input/js1.
moveit - Setting this argument to 'true' will load the robot MoveIt interface. See section Arm manipulation for more details and extra related arguments.
gazebo - Setting this argument to 'true' will load the Gazebo simulation environment and bring-up the robot. See the Bring-up a robot in the gazebo simulation environment tutorial for more details and extra related arguments.
For example, if you want to launch the robot with the head camera and laser scanner, use the following command:
$ roslaunch armadillo2 armadillo2.launch lidar:=true kinect:=true
Note: The order for the arguments doesn't matter.
Next Tutorial: Bring-up a robot in the Gazebo simulation environment